Christmas at Ron Gastrobar

The coziest time of the year is just around the corner… Christmas! Since a few weeks, all Ron Gastrobar restaurants have been transformed into real winter paradises! The restaurant Ron Gastrobar on the Sophialaan takes the cake. During the winter months you can enjoy lunch or dinner there under a sky of red Christmas balls.

Fun fact: it took 7 hours before the entire restaurant was transformed into a Christmassy atmosphere. In addition, this was performed in the middle of the night. Less fun of course for those who had to hang it up… Our topper ‘Bij Jelle’ has done it again this year! Wondering what the decoration will bring next year…

Watch this fun video of how all the Christmas decorations are hung!

The Ron Gastrobar restaurants are of course open during the holidays and the regular menu is maintained. There are already a lot of reservations for the holidays, so book your spot quickly.


Appeltje Eitje

Verder in Gastronieuws

winter vergaderarrangement

Winter meeting package

Looking for an inspiring venue for your winter meetings? At Ron Gastrobar Bij de C in Bloemendaal, we make it extra special with our Winter


Are you ready? Tuesday, June 25 at 18:00 the Netherlands will play against Austria. Of course we are going for the win! With us, everyone