If I come to a party, preferably in a glitter suit… “why?” and Ron mumbles something about a book… I can’t make it that evening because I’m flying to the other end of the world at that moment, so I miss a wild party in his Gastrobar Oriental, unfortunately… A few months later Ron and I go to Paris together for a short culinary trip, and as we drive onto the Périphérique I get the short message “oh yeah, a photographer will be arriving soon…”


Long story short, Ron has made a book, had it made if you like, but knowing Ron he has taken full control over 10 years of Gastrobar. It has become a combination of a cookbook (30 recipes), a face book, 10 years of history, stories about guests, suppliers, chefs, service, about Ron himself, but also about Carla (his wife), his children, JC, Sjaak Black, in short, it will take you a few hours.


I’ll be honest, and I’ve been around, I’ve never seen anything like it. Even if you don’t know anyone from that book, which seems like a miracle to me if you are just a little bit culinary involved, it is a joy to leaf through it. Flashy photos alternate with stylish and, above all, compelling texts. Nothing is normal, everything is different and you especially read Ron’s love for the profession and the people he has gathered around him in those 10 years and before.


The press presentation was just as different than usual, in the kitchens of Febo in Amsterdam-Noord. This Amsterdam family business, where all snacks, with the exception of the frikandel, are still made fresh daily, is run by Dennis de Borst, 3rd generation snack maker, and who had opened his kitchen to a select group that day. After washing our hands thoroughly and taking off all the earrings, we were allowed to sit at a long table between the ragout cauldrons, dressed in coats and caps.


Snacks from Ron and Febo and a great story from an insignificant cook (myself) made the afternoon an unforgettable one, to be repeated again after a few days during the opening of Ron Gastrobar at the C in Bloemendaal (read here how delicious I ate there). Things turned out well with the photographer in Paris, the cool photos are neatly arranged on pages 290 t/m 303, with a sweet text.


Well… just go and get it, you won’t be disappointed with that book (if you’re among the first 1000, it will be signed by the chef!!)



Appeltje Eitje

Verder in Gastronieuws

winter vergaderarrangement

Winter meeting package

Looking for an inspiring venue for your winter meetings? At Ron Gastrobar Bij de C in Bloemendaal, we make it extra special with our Winter


Are you ready? Tuesday, June 25 at 18:00 the Netherlands will play against Austria. Of course we are going for the win! With us, everyone